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Hello friend, congratulations for this very good game, I wish you success with this game, friend, I want you to subscribe to my channel, greetings from Spain...

The demo starts at 0:25

It's a pretty good looking demo, nice suspense and atmosphere!

Trump supporters be crazy

Great !!

Really loved this demo. I've played Outlast and RE7 so I def see the influence and can't wait for the full game to come out. 

I think this could be really good!!!

Keep it up!

I was really excited and really scared!!!

Now on YouTube!

(1 edit)

First game in the video. I am super intrigued about what the story will be!

Loved the graphics, cant wait for the full release.

check out my video.

Comments below clip;

The setting is breathtaking. The texture are topnotch and the story straightforward. My only beef is with the [lack of] speed. There's no indication as to why the protagonist moves around so slowly.  Not known as a very patient man, I gave up after a few attempts, but that's just me being coarse :o]

I'll play of your games anyway, as you put a lot of time and effort into making them,

This was AMAZING. First game in video.

What made this game scarier for me was the resemblance of his face to my cousin's.

The inspiration can be easily noted in this game of both games and it was done really well, great job!

Really cool concept!! Found a bug with the key and the door, maybe look at that:)

I swear he was frickin messing with me the whole time hahaha he could've grabbed me up whenever he wanted to! I absolutely love the setting and ambiance of the teaser. A classic horror experience instilled in a short duration of gameplay. No doubt about a full release being even better!

Great Work!

Una Demo corta pero con unos gráficos interesantes que dan bastante miedo...! Me gustó

I really enjoyed the demo and The graphics are  Really great 

i hope to see the  full game soon 

Man Solitary Studios, I just flat out love your games keep up the great work and look forward to more gems in the future

To everyone reading this, there's 2 games in this video : RonRon and LUCAS Basement Demo, both games are from SolitaryStudios. If you're interested in just the LUCAS game it starts at around the 5 min mark






(1 edit)

This game shows great promise, the demo was short but fun and the atmosphere was pretty scary. It was the third game i played in this video.

I look forward to playing the full game :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Great little demo amazing audio design I think it could go a long way as a full tittle just watch out for those Capcom Copyrights lol.

  here is my vid for Feedback <3 


good demo cant wait to see more

this is crazy scary i love it i can't wait for the full verion 

You can definitely feel the Resident Evil 7 / Outlast vibes this game puts out, which is a good thing!  For such a short demo it definitely feels very polished and will eagerly be awaiting a more finalized product!


This game has potential. I played 2 other games from you guys before: Goodnight and Under. This one seemed more polished then the previous 2. The graphics really raised up. If this is a Demo and you intend to make it a full game, go for it! You guys can definitely do something great with some effort. You guys are on the right track. I'll keep following to see how things will come out. Good Luck! =)

I would love to see a donation option where I can pre-order the full game while supporting!

really enjoyed the demo i hope to see a full game i jumped off my seat a few times :) 

i escaped

Nice !! Definitely RE7 Vibes ...the sound effects are very good as-well. Graphics is 10/10. Yes its short but its also a demo so GG all around.Help support a homie? We all have the same goals

Your games always leave me with my heart pounding. This was seriously intense! I would suggest making the walking speed a bit faster for the full game, the slower speed worked well for this demo, but I feel it would be hard to deal with for a full experience. But either way, everything about this made for a fantastic short horror game! Great work as always! (Third game in the video)

Great demo! The graphics, atmosphere and sound effect were so well done! I can't wait for the finished product. Great job!

Great graphics, atmosphere and sound effects.  I look forward to trying the full release.  Please give us a weapon to use on Lucas :)

OH WOW! This game had me so nervous when the lights went out! Atmosphere is awesome! Can't wait to play the final version! Great job! Game here: 

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel.
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94/100 VERY GOOD

I had a lot of fun playing this demo. this basement was not what i was expecting. there is something or someone lurking... well snyway this is a pro edited reaction compilation so its only like 3 minutes long... i upload 2-3 of these types of videos a day so that subscribe button means a lot to me. thanks for all your support and i'll see you in the video

Thankyou for playing man!!! I subbed btw

I downloaded like all your games so im looking forward to playing them

It's clear that Lucas isn't messing with anyone in his basement. I've played it on my channel

Thanks for playing!!!

waiting for update

Will update this soon. We're just so busy these days

I love RE7 and the character Lucas was super interesting but only had a short part in the main game, I will be keeping up with this :)

Full Play  No Commentary

Thankyouuu! Appreciate it!

Wanted to let you know that you guys are doing great with making horror games, been following your progress for a while now with the other games! Keep it up.

Thankyou so much for playing!

I play the game at 02:41. I'm actually filipino myself so I had to play this, because it was made by filipino developers.  AND IT WAS GREAT. I actually screamed the most when playing this game. Can't wait for the full game to release!

Thankyou so much kabayan!!!

Great short game! Good graphic design. But i think its too dark when the horror started. Wish you make it  lil bit brighter. Cant wait for full release :)  here my gameplay

Thankyou!! Sure will be adding some settings soon

It`s great game!


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