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(2 edits)

Very short game, but had nice visuals. The message was also nice, but there is nothing more to say because of the length.


The last Vlog of Jimmy...

The message was sound, graphics made it hard to play the game for me. Thanks for making it

Pretty creepy, had fun, wish it was a bit longer. Great job!


It was very difficult to see Maria... However, the game is still great

Great Game!


aw they took my freakin' kidney.

Really Liked the feel of this game very creepy and well done.

Please add system requirements in the description. This game crashed my graphic card - got a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

One of the best jumpscares I've experienced in a short indie horror game for sure! I really enjoyed the camera flash mechanic, made the last half of the game extra creepy. 

Jimmy may have made some questionable decisions, but I still felt bad for the poor kid..
Great game, thank you :)

Hey, great job! Very interesting and with a deep history.

I did a video on my channel (ESP), hope you like it :)

Fun lil game

I hope your grandmother is okay!  I thought this game was so sad because of the important lesson its conveying. Excellent game!


Really great game, but most importantly: I hope that your grandma is doing good and that throughout the fight, you guys stay strong! 

Pour les francophones !

French content creator here ! 

I loved your game,  it was short and had a good atmosphere  ! 

A good short game! 


I hope all goes well for your family and I didn't expect the scare at the end to get me like it did. I've included a video for those who are interested

Petit jeu assez court mais qui met dans l'ambiance direct, avec la caméra à la main !


Interesting game, feel sorry for the kid though 

feel really bad for the kid. played it on my channel!


hey Solitarystudios awesome game guys excellent use of the camera and the style of gameplay really had me on the edge of my seat 

Good game. Jimmy wasn't the smartest kid. xdd

I hope all goes well for your family and I didn't expect the scare at the end to get me like it did. I've included a video for those who are interested

That scare is too much, lol.

Really great game, but most importantly: I hope that your grandma is doing good and that throughout the fight, you guys stay strong! 

Poor Jimmy

GREAT JOB DEVELOPER, KEEP CREATING!!! The environment was crazy creepy, awesome job.

First of all, I hope your grandma recovers well! I have bought one of your games before: Left Behind, and I still hope you have time to finish it one day. About this one, I really liked the camera idea and the visuals were pretty cool. Shame I couldn't see Maria. You have talent, and I believe you can make something big one day! Best wishes to your Granny!

I tried to play this game, but it kept glitching. All the text was overlapping, and the game kept freezing. Looks like such a cool game too.

I really like the styling of this game!

muy buen juego con un mensaje fuerte pero cierto, jugabilidad 10/10 muy buena ambientacion e historia

duracion aproximada: 5 - 10 minutos

played this with my girlfriend for a 3 scary games, great atmosphere!

This was less of a scarier game, while playing it i was wondering what was scary about it. Maybe thats just me though. This was the third game I played.

Still Enjoyed it!

Maria, your guardian angel puts you in a trap


oh poor Jimmy mi boi

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