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2nd game in this video that I played!


its dark... its creepy... WTF IS THAT?! Great game!


A-a-a-a-a-awesome game bro


Really enjoy playing your games- Lucas, RonRon (both on my channel) and Under! Will definitely try the others! Unique story and the jump scares were really effective.


This was a great game; I do apologize for saying it was a demo. Gave me a lot of scares, my son even jumpscared me while playing lol

Good scare! Thanks.

What a great game

My heart was not ready lol. Great game DEV!

He's so handsome... So save me

*violently loads shotgun* Maybe this will help!

(6 edits)

The game is a great horror game. One of the best horror games I've played.

(p.s. It's hard to find a good Horror game nowadays.)

(p.s.s. You should make more horror games! Your great at it.)

 (p.s.s.s. I am very surprised the youtuber IGP has not played this yet.)

I fell out of my chair when whatever that big-mouthed thing was popped up

right out of nowhere but besides that Good job with the graphics and the editing.

Tremendo brotheee. 

Muy bueno el escenario, le falto un poco de pontencia a la música y sonidos pero buenazo.

This game was scary and well done! :3

Is this a physiological horror game?

I noticed how many YOUTUBERs played this...

*correction Physiological War Horror


Nice, my favorite kind of horror. yay


hey ! i love your game : ) me fascino muchisimooo espero que sigas trayendo videos asi !!! saludosss 

Love it! Greetings from Argentina!!!
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Played Lucas Basement Demo and decided to try this game as well. Didn't expect it to be so terrifying! I only play horror games on my channel btw- feel free to check me out!


yea my channels very new but im not lol , im DRMIX the game was fun so was i  

I absolutely loved this! Really good-looking game and a good atmosphere!

Great job on the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

We are Japanese who are studying English. The atmosphere was great. Both of them shouted. Thank you very much!

cool game

I loved this game! I would definitely like to see a longer version of the game or more by Keneth! 

This game is awesome! Amazing graphics, sets the scene and the mood fantastically well with fantastic audio and the jump scares are on point, great job! I hope you enjoy my playthrough!

Made my heart race! I got goosebumps until the very end.

Ironic how we narrowly escape death yet die anyways by the hands of war


P.S. I started playing your game at 2:09 into the video


You had a soul? 

Hey SolitaryStudios! You finally did it, you managed to scare the beecheezus out of me, which I been wanting for quite some time now and mostly it was me terrified of being chased by the monster in the picture. Really well done! 

A very well done war horror! Atmosphere was amazing! Keep up the good work.

War Horrors are amazingly Horrifying! dope game defiantly worth a playthrough!


Great Game!

Game. Was. Wild. Really well done! 

War Horrors are amazingly Horrifying! dope game defiantly worth a playthrough!


Twas a bit laggy but more my computers fault than the games, loved it nonetheless, would love to see a graphics settings unless I missed it and am blind haha, got me good! And it is true, no horror truly surpasses war. Left a follow and keep up the amazing work!!

I really liked the game. The atmosphere and setting was very well constructed, and the plot twist was surprising lol

Gameplay PT-BR

This had the worst jumpscares in all games I played so far. Very well done. 
You can watch me poop my pants here :

quite a wacko game, i actually enjoyed it (except for not knowing where to go)
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